Taste of Reality

Our loaded interview with RHOD’s LeeAnne Locken!

We caught up with Real Housewives of Dallas fan favorite LeeAnne Locken this weekend and boy did she have some Texas-sized tea to spill! Her Season 2 tagline reads “I’m a true Texan. No bull, but all horns.” and truer words may never have been spoken. As fierce as a lion and looking hotter than a carny hot dog, she sat down to give us the scoop on her beef with Brandi/Stephanie/Cary, whether or not she’s engaged AND even some top secret recordings gossip!

LeeAnne Locken


LeeAnne: Howdy! *dogs barking* Those are my babies!


TOR: Before we get into the good stuff. Tell us – what you love about Dallas?

LeeAnne: The community. The people. You can’t find better people than Texans. When they say “hi”, they really mean it.


TOR: What is a day in the life of LeeAnne Locken like?

LeeAnne: My beagle wakes me up wanting to cuddle! Then, I head straight for Keurig in the kitchen. I sit in front of my computer and get on FB, Twitter, and dedicate about 2 hours to social media. Then I go on with my day, lunch meetings or out with friends, get my hair done, get a massage. My days are really just prepping for my nights which are always different. Events. Parties. Like last night…  I went out with my friends Heidi, Steve and Chad. Someone said we were wearing sombreros in the car. It’s a little blurry!


TOR: I did notice you spend a TON of time talking to fans on social media!

LeeAnne: I just feel that if someone’s going to take the time to reach out, at the very least I owe them a response or at least a like.


TOR: Do you respond to haters?

LeeAnne: Sometimes. Today for instance. Some stupid stuff on Facebook. *eye roll*



TOR: What can we expect from you in the future business-wise?

LeeAnne: I’ve got my book, What’s Your Status?, and I’m pitching these sunglasses on my website to make sure people are “shade-ready” on Monday nights. But, honestly, no… not really. I’m not trying to be something I’m not by putting my name on clothes and all that. I’m just gonna do me.


TOR: What about your inspirational blog?

LeeAnne: D’Andra gave me some advice this season. You can’t be a f***ing b**ch and 5 minutes later share an inspirational quote… so I’m switching it up. I gotta keep it real!


TOR: You’re big on charity but what are your thoughts on the fan feedback to tone down on all the charity from Season 1?

LeeAnne: I hope they never need charity! If you’re going to show my authentic life, you’re going to see charity in it. That’s what I do. I like to party with a purpose!


TOR: Brandi and D’andra seem to have very different feelings on the so-called “charity scene” – do you think Brandi is in the wrong for dissing it as pretentious or is D’andra taking it too seriously?

LeeAnne: Brandi isn’t in the charity world. She isn’t in the social world. When I go out, nobody knows who she is. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She has a tendency to form an opinion based solely on her opinion. As for D’Andra, she’s lived a life of non-profit. When you’ve raised millions of dollars like she has, if you don’t take it seriously, how are you doing it?


TOR: If Brandi showed up to an event would people remember the poo incident at Mad Hatters?!

LeeAnne: I’ll just say, people would say they’d rather her not come in!


TOR: You mentioned that in RHOD Season 1 that Stephanie’s charity/social world would go down the toilet… did your behavior from Season 1 affect yours?

LeeAnne: Oh, sure. I had a lot of people back away from me. The issue isn’t my reactions. Most people have my type of reaction, like, “I’ll kill you”, “F*** off”. The difference is that my cast members whole goal is to make me look bad by acting scared and playing the victim.


TOR: Maybe it’s because some say you’re the fan favorite?

LeeAnne: I don’t think they want to accept that! They think if they destroy my reputation that I’ll be removed from the show. But… I don’t think anyone wants to watch a show about a bunch of girls f***ing crying.


TOR: Do you feel better about how you’re coming across this season?

LeeAnne: At moments. I get Tweets all the time that therapy isn’t working! My therapist isn’t Jesus. If you hurt me, my instinct is to bite your head off. I’m a work in progress.


TOR: What did you think of last Monday’s WWHL?! People are saying it was very LeeAnne-centric!

LeeAnne: Right?! I felt like I was there. I didn’t even have to fly to New York! Why didn’t they just make the word of the night LeeAnn… then we all could’ve gotten s**t faced.


TOR: One of the things that came up on Watch What Happens Live was your boyfriend, Rich. Last episode you expressed concern about Rich taking a while to propose? Do you have a ring on that finger?

LeeAnne: I can’t show you right now! Talk to me on Tuesday!


TOR: Stephanie said Rich hasn’t proposed because he’s “scared and doesn’t want to die” – what did you think about that?

LeeAnne: I think she’s literally dumber than nails. It’s an idiot statement.  People gave it to her on Twitter hard after that. (BTW I don’t know what that thing was on her f***ing head either. Was her brain popping out?) Of course, Brandi started attacking me the next day.


TOR: What do you think Stephanie’s real issue is with you? –

LeeAnne: No clue. Ask me if it affects me. It doesn’t.


TOR: What about Cary? Do you think she was being authentically nice at the beginning of Season 2?

LeeAnne: HELL NO! We’ll definitely get into that later.


TOR: Do you still have a soft spot for Brandi?

LeeAnne: Well, if I did, she has dug a lot of it out right out of my skull. At this point in time, with the tremendous amount of ugly she’s thrown at D’Andra, Kam and me, I am reserving my opinion. I’m watching the shows too and was told completely different things while we were filming these scenes. It’s heartbreaking. BUT… I have audio records of what I was really saying. I’m 50 not 4. Do you really want to put me on the wrong side of the fence?!


TOR: Do you think you’ll get an apology from anyone?

LeeAnne: Everyone expects LeeeeeeeAaaaaannnn to own up to everything. They’ll just say they were joking when they say something. If you smack me, it’s a joke. But if I smack you, the waterworks?!


TOR: What has been your most cringeworthy moment?

LeeAnne: Ha! This upcoming MONDAY NIGHT on Season 2 Episode 6 (9/18). Yup, it’s bad. Last season it was Cary’s cowardly way of coming downstairs and secretly recording me. *winces* If anyone including Marie would have said “LeeAnne that’s enough.” it would have stopped.


TOR: Are you going to throw something on Monday!?

LeeAnne: No! Not yet anyway!


TOR: What’s your favorite thing to throw?

LeeAnne: Something that’ll shatter! I have never pitched a fit with a pair of jeans.


TOR: What do you think makes a good Bravo housewife?

LeeAnne: When they can speak the truth the minute they think it. Apologize. Get drunk. Have FUN!


TOR: If you had to be stuck on an island with any other housewife from any season or city, who would it be?

LeeAnne: UM. Erika Jayne and the glam squad!


TOR: Who would you least like to be stuck with?

LeeAnne: Someone from my own cast.


TOR: Hottest housewife?

LeeAnne: Erika Jayne. We’ve hung out. She’s disgusting hot.


TOR: Funniest housewife?

LeeAnne: Dorinda. I mean… when she goes off on someone. CLIP!


TOR: Scariest housewife?

LeeAnne: I guess ME. No, I dunno!


TOR: Ha! You might be in the running. But what about Daneille Staub? Can you believe she’s coming back to RHONJ?

LeeAnne: Or TERESA GIUDICE. Would you wanna cross her? I wouldn’t.


TOR: Most fabulous housewife?

LeeAnne: Bethenny is just no bulls**t. I would love to see her interact with the Real Housewives of Dallas!


TOR: Who do you think your show could do without and why?

LeeAnne: Oh gosh. I don’t know if I can answer that. I do think we need an adult cast. D’andra and I try to stay above it but it’s hard.


TOR: Let’s play a little word association:

LeeAnne: Oh gah!


TOR: Brandi

LeeAnne: Hurtful.


TOR: D’Andra

LeeAnne: Passionate.


TOR: Stephanie.

LeeAnne: Mean.


TOR: Tiffany. 

LeeAnne: Love.


TOR: Cary.

LeeAnne: Question?


TOR: Marie.

LeeAnne: Who?


TOR: Kameron.

LeeAnne: Unicorn.


TOR: Thanks, hon! We can’t wait for Monday night’s episode of RHOD!

LeeAnne: Get ready and hang on tight!


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