Taste of Reality

LHHATL Round-Up: Which Card Are You Playing This Week?

Playing The Mental Illness Card?

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star Tommie Lee is looking to stay out of jail. Tommie Lee and her lawyers are pleading with the court as she disclosed that she needs professional help to maintain her mental health.

Photo: giphy.com

If you recall, Tommie Lee was indicted on multiple charges of child abuse and remains incarcerated.

She states that she was diagnosed with some form of mental illness prior to the incident that occurred with a minor at her daughter’s middle school.

The reality stars’ legal team is arguing for Tommie Lee to be able to enter a 30-day treatment program.  The program would include Tommie Lee remaining sober, submitting to random drug testing and attending self-help meetings.

Photo: giphy.com

Although Tommie Lee shared in a 2016 interview that she suffers from bipolar disorder, court documents did not reveal a specific diagnosis.

Will the prosecutor in her case grant this wish?

Has Karlie Gone Too Far This Time?

On Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, Karlie Redd has beef with everyone.  She’s the cast member who throws the most shade and somehow always knows when the streets are talking.

Photo: giphy.com

She will call you out and come for you.   But did she go too far this time?

The camera may have stopped rolling, but the drama continues off camera.  Karlie Redd hit us with the post-and-delete when she took a shot at fellow cast member Pooh Hicks and her husband, former Def Jam President Hiriam Hicks.

Viewers know that Karlie Redd & Pooh are former friends who possibly had a past relationship.

Photo: giphy.com

Karlie Redd’s now deleted post alleged that both Pooh and her husband are drug addicts who steal money from artists.

Karlie has denied having a threesome with Pooh and her husband.   And since that blow-up she also shared a post stating that Pooh is Transgender.

Photo: giphy.com

Pooh responded with a now deleted post, shared by TMZ:  “This picture is truly offensive. I am not a transgender but a proud black woman that has birthed 3 beautiful Kids. It is truly distasteful how one can joke about the thought of someone being a transgender. I am a supporter of the LGBTQ community also have many friends that come from all walks of life. Shame on you!”

I am certain that this won’t play out well on the show.

Unconditional Love is a Thing of the Past

Love & Hip Hop Hollywood star Moniece Slaughter, currently starring on this season of LHHATL recently took to Instagram where she created a lengthy post about her relationship with her biological father.

Moniece shared with her Instagram followers that she was disowned by her father upon coming out.

Take a look at her full post here:

Moniece has been through so much recently and it took so much courage for her to give the world a view into her pain. We salute you!

Have you been following this explosive season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta?  Let me know in the comments below!