Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap: Don't Mess With Texas
Season 7 - Episode 12
June 6, 2018 3:47pm
LHHATL Season 7 Episode 12 picks up with Tokyo, Karlie Redd and Melissa Scott arriving to Houston. Tension is thick between Karlie and Tokyo cause Tokyo still mad at Karlie for being messy. Melissa tries to play peacemaker and just like her role on the show – it’s pointless. Karlie could give two Fs and Tokyo just wants to pout.
From petty drama to pimped out rides… Just Brittany rolls up in her hometown in the most redic old school red car with insane rims (how are they even legal?). I can’t with this chick. She rolls into the jewelry shop to meet Tiarra Becca and who should also be joining? Jasmine Washington. The person Brittany TOLD Tiarra NOT to bring. But she’s willing to hear Jasmine out. “Because I have a child with a married man everybody thinks it’s drama and mess and really it’s the complete opposite.” -Jasmine. Um no. It’s not! You’re stalking the wife of this married man. That’s drama. “All home wrecking aside, Jasmine seems like a nice person.” -Just Brittany. Yeah so long as she’s not sleeping with your man…
From surprise arrivals to sit downs… Mimi Faust and Sierra Gates arrange a brunch with Spice and Tokyo to ensure to there’s no drama at Rasheeda’s event later. Since Spice is seeing Tokyo’s ex, Mimi thought maybe there might be some issues, but if they can see they’re all friends then maybe it will go well. Spice is rude outta the gates with digs at Tokyo about her weight. And she just couldn’t let it go. “I thought we was having hasbrowns this morning b*tch. I didn’t know we was gonna hash it out with the girl that’s foolin’ with the guy I was foolin’ with.” -Tokyo Spice pretends she doesn’t care that Tokyo’s Tabius’ ex until Tokyo claims he’s still texting her – even as of last night. When Spice presses her on whether they’re together or not Tokyo gets up, cocks her arm and throws her big ol bag at Spice.
Spice ducks just in time and security breaks them up. It takes four of them to hold Tokyo back as she topples them all over. The producers try to clear the restaurant real quick by whisking them to their cars before they can break anything.
From things going left to making things right… Momma Dee and her hubby, Ernest, of have gotten back together. He’s over his drug bender and is now ready to make things right by taking care of Momma Dee. She of course is milking it for ALL it’s worth. This queen knows her role.
From hugging it out to hiding out… Tokyo’s decided to keep a low profile in her hotel room and avoid everyone. Sierra drops by to see her. Tokyo’s mad about all Spice’s fat jokes and she’s over Tabius hitting her up. Tokyo’s decided she’s gonna miss the opening party to avoid the drama, but she might drop by the after party.
From backing out to bus rides… the cast gets on two big buses (they could have fit one one) to head over to the Pressed Houston opening. Karlie’s keeping her distance from Sean Garret, but her and Joc strike up a little flirtation….
From flirtations to fixing things up… Momma Dee has taken over Scrappy and Bambi‘s house to get it ready for the new baby. Bambi tells Momma Dee she’s doing too much so she leaves them and the mess behind. Now Scrappy is left to clean up. “Your momma, your mess.” -Bambi
From grand exits to grand openings… Rasheeda Frost‘s Pressed Houston opening brings the whole cast… well except Rasheeda notices Tommie and Tokyo are missing. They fill her in on what’s going on and then it’s time to party! “Houston we gotta make these coins!” -Rasheeda
From ribbon cutting ceremonies to after party celebrations… Just Brittany performs at the party and Erica Mena and Estelita Quinteros come extra petty. Just Brittany actually keeps it cute and leaves real quick after she’s done performing knowing these sharks are in the audience. And as the party is keeping it mellow they add a dash of drama with Tokyo strolling in with her shades. Now that her girl Tokyo’s here, Sierra comes for BK Brasco. They’re having their spats over BK cheating, but they’re still flirting so you know they’re hooking up on this trip at some point.
And when the Tokyo card isn’t enough to heighten tensions… in walks Tiarra and Jasmine.
Rasheeda can’t believe her eyes that this B has the nerve to roll up on her like this.
Rasheeda decides to take the meeting. Everybody’s watching and the only thing missing is the popcorn! Jasmine apologizes and says she’s not that kinda person, but Rasheeda calls her out for being exactly that kinda person. “All I see is what you show me.” -Rasheeda
With the whole cast standing round watching this sh*t show, Rasheeda lets it all out about her malicious maneuvers and Jasmine just takes it. When Rasheeda has said her piece, she just walks away. “Yas Boss lady!” -Erica Mena
Do you think Spice deserved the bag thrown at her? Sound off in the comments below!
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