Blackwall Hitch

Business Information

Blackwall Hitch Website

(703) 739-6090

Blackwall Hitch Reservations

5 Cameron St., Alexandria, VA 22314

Hours of Operation:
Monday 11AM–12AM
Tuesday 11AM–12AM
Wednesday 11AM–12AM
Thursday 11AM–12AM
Friday 11AM–2AM
Saturday 11AM–2AM
Sunday 10AM–10PM

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About the Business:

A dining experience blending the area’s finest in tastes & talents, Blackwall Hitch is a coastally inspired concept that creates a local connection. Here you’ll find seasonally driven and locally sourced food and spirits, great local music and the area’s friendliest staff and patrons. With each visit as you take in the local flavor, we guarantee you’ll be hooked in no time.

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