
Business Information

Hitch Website

(912) 239-6970

300 Drayton St., Savannah, GA 31401

Hours of Operation:
Monday 12PM–12AM
Tuesday 12PM–12AM
Wednesday 12PM–12AM
Thursday 12PM–12AM
Friday 12PM–12AM
Saturday 11AM–12AM
Sunday 11AM–12AM

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About the Business:

Hitch is making waves in Savannah, Georgia! Treylor Park and Hitch follow the motto Quality over Quantity.  Quality comes first.  Whether you are talking about seasonal cocktails,  craft beer, or local fare, everything is done with quality in mind.  Treylor Park and Hitch are each unique spaces that offer a fun and unique food/cocktail/beer menu day and night. Whether you are in the mood for a nice, smooth cocktail or a cool crisp draft beer, these unique restaurants are full of music and energy!

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