
Business Information

KryoLife Website

(212) 551-3333

57 West 57th St., #1101, New York, NY 10019

Hours of Operation:
Monday 7AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 7AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 7AM–7:30PM
Thursday 7AM–7:30PM
Friday 7AM–7:30PM
Saturday 9:30AM–3:30PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM

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About the Business:

Originally invented by doctors as a powerful anti-inflammatory tool, whole body cryotherapy is now being recognized as an important restorative treatment for the body and mind. When your body briefly exposed to cryogenic temperatures ranging from – 184 F to – 264 F *. Extreme cold can stimulate temperature receptors in the skin to activate the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, resulting in reduction of pain and inflammation,  and improvement in mood, improvements to physique, and the overall health of the body generally enhancing your overall health, wellness, and being.

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