Longevity Fitness

Business Information

Longevity Fitness Website

(843) 720-2700

163 Rutledge Ave., Charleston, SC 29403

Hours of Operation:
See website for class schedule.

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About the Business:

We offer a cross-training approach to fitness, using Pilates, TRX, HIIT, and one-on-one personalized training. Core activation, flexibility, and corrective-alignment training set the foundation and improve range of motion, posture, and prevent injuries. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) consists of strength moves combined with cardio burst exercises to boost metabolism and improve endurance and heart health. Engaging in these complimentary training styles addresses the whole body and its ever changing needs and goals, allowing you to workout more often without overuse of certain muscle groups, improve performance, and achieve maximum benefits in minimum time. ​

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