Straight Mike drags gay Reza and his boyfriend out to this down-n-dirty gay hipster hotspot. It's Middle Eastern night where the men are big, loud and hairy! Silly Mike figured that Reza is gay and Persian so he must love other gay Persians... little does he know that Reza HATES them. "Why would I go there? Because its gay and Middle Eastern? This place is not high-end, and these people are not my people." -Reza Surprisingly, Mike is more comfortable here than even MJ! "Is this place sanitary?" -MJ When the club owner invites the crew to be on their gay pride float, Mike is all about it, coming a long way from being a homophobe. "I used to have all these stupid thoughts about gay people, but when my best friend came out to me, it changed my views on homosexuality." -Mike Everyone else is on board with the float... except Reza, who's miserable in the corner. To make matters worse, Reza's flamboyant neighbor Sasha who called him fat shows up at the club and waddles his way over to their table looking for trouble. "Seeing him brings up every negative emotion inside of me. I don't know where it comes from, but I wan to attack." -Reza The group tries to hold things together and mediate the situation, but when Reza 'outs' Sasha's closeted brother, shit hits the fan! Now, we have to side with Reza, if Sasha's extremely closeted brother didn't want to be outed, then why is he at the gayest place possible? Anyway, we have no way of making out what the hell these queens are yelling at each other but it was a lot of tongue rolling, and wawawawawawas, and hookah smoke everywhere, possibly some barking... who knows. What a gay mess! "Who calls someone a fag in gay club? That's just wrong on so many different levels." -Mike Hmmm, straighty does have a point.