Premier Recording Studios

Business Information

Premier Recording Studios Website

(646) 360-4265

723 7th Ave, New York, NY 10019

Hours of Operation:
24 Hours

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About the Business:

Premier Studio New York, formally known as Quad Recording, is a world-class facility with a solid reputation, serving the most elite of Music, Film & Television celebrity clientele. We are also home to many of the major film & television stars, directors, agents and location managers. We have recently completed a $500,000.00 refurbishment of all our studios. Premier has 4 Rooms total. 2 Rooms housing absolute mint condition SSL J-9000’s wit brand new Augsperger Monitoring Systems with block rockin’ JBL subs, along with new ProTools HD system fully loaded. The other 2 Rooms are recently completed Writer Rooms, complete with the best vintage Mic Pres, Compressors and Portable HD Systems. One of our Writer Rooms, Studio E is fitted with Surround Sound and setup for all forms of Post Mix, Edit & Video work, as well as traditional Music Production work.

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