The Garage on Motor

Business Information

The Garage on Motor Website

(310) 559-3400

3387 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90034

Hours of Operation:
Monday 12PM–2AM
Tuesday 12PM–2AM
Wednesday 12PM–2AM
Thursday 12PM–2AM
Friday 12PM–2AM
Saturday 12PM–2AM
Sunday 12PM–2AM

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About the Business:

The Garage featuring The Motor Club is the newest destination in Palms. It is a fusion of sports bar and neighborhood pub that aims to bring an upscale but unpretentious atmosphere to its part of L.A. The space has been transformed into two strikingly different dining room and bar areas, which, while they contrast in feel and aesthetic the two share a thoughtful menu that aims to bring a little enlightenment to casual, bar-style dining. 

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