#20 Jodie Hough from RealiTV Podcast on all things 90 Day Fiancé!

If you're not listening to our podcast... you're being such an Evelyn!

September 25, 2018 9:23am

In podcast episode 20, Troy gets a first-ever lesson in all things 90 Day Fiancé from THE expert, Jodie Hough, host of the hilarious RealiTV and Moms on the Rocks podcasts. Jodie gives a snarky-yet-informative breakdown of some of the most memorable 90 Day Fiancé, 90DF: Before the 90 Days, and What Now episodes. Listen in to hear Jodie’s advice for podcast-hopefuls, how not to be an Evelyn, and Troy/Jodie’s opinions on Paul, Karine, Larry, Cortney, Antonio, Azan, Nicole, and more of the dysfunctional bunch!


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