#22 LeeAnne Locken from Real Housewives of Dallas!

If you're not listening to our podcast... your pantyliner is exhausted!

November 13, 2018 3:26pm

In episode 22, special guest LeeAnne Locken, star of Real Housewives of Dallas, spills all the details on RHOD Season 3, including her relationship with Rich, expanding her empire, shifting alliances between the ladies, and all the drama to come. Tune in for Troy’s roundup of the latest reality TV news and gossip and more!


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Previous interview: https://tasteofreality.com/exclusive-interview-rhod-leeanne-locken/

Follow LeeAnne:

Web: http://leeannelocken.com

Biz: https://shoplinfinity.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/LeeAnneLocken/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/leeannelocken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeeAnneLocken

Category: Real Housewives Gossip, Taste of Reality with Troy Turner Podcast Tags: , , , ,

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