#10 Danny Pellegrino talks Housewives, Southern Charm, and being a meme king!

If you're not listening to our podcast... you're missing out on wino-unicorns!

June 16, 2018 11:09am

In episode 10, Danny Pellegrino from the Everything Iconic podcast joins Troy to talk reality TV, Real Housewives, Southern Charm and being the king of memes! Then, they recap the latest episodes of Real Housewives of New York and Southern Charm. Listen in for the week’s hottest gossip AND answer the question of the week to win a RHONY “Calm Down, Take a Xanax” bag!


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Category: Exclusive Interviews, Real Housewives Gossip, Southern Charm Gossip, Taste of Reality with Troy Turner Podcast Tags: , , , , ,

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