RHOD Recap! Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Season 1 - Episode 5

May 12, 2016 10:39am

  • Stephen Pyles

    After LeeAnne storms out of Marie’s event, Tiffany chases her down to console her but that sends her over the edge after she already lost it! “I’m done! I don’t want your f***** help!” –LeeAnne The ladies get physical and then Tornado LeeAnne turns on the cameras, shoving one of them into the street! “Stop it! I’m done!” –LeeAnne After attacking a trolly passing by, she takes off her heels and runs into oncoming traffic. “This is a crazy b****. It’s nasty.” –Brandi


  • Legacy Counseling Center

    After their big fight, LeeAnne and Tiffany run into each other (and avoid each other) at a clothing drive the next day. “Wowwww. Speechless LeeAnne? That’s a first. You didn’t even f****** say hello to me.” –Tiffany 


  • Taverna Lombardi

    After their friend-fight, Tiffany and LeeAnne make up over dinner. The ladies credit their tension to the people around them. “This is not our first fight. We gon’ sit down and come to Jesus together.” –LeeAnne


  • De Boulle Diamond & Jewelry 

    Stephanie’s hubby spoils her with new bling – a $75,000 diamond bracelet! “Travis wanted to get my mind off LeeAnne! This bracelet is the most beautiful distraction!” –Stephanie


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