RHONY: Ramona Singer, The Apologizer, Strikes Again

The NYC OG made some tacky comments about Bethenny's friend, Dennis.

March 21, 2019 11:27am

‘How smart can Dennis be? I mean, he was on drugs.’ -The Singer Stinger


The Real Housewives of New York‘s, Ramona Singer, has proven, yet again, why she earned the nickname ‘The Apologizer.’


In case you missed it, Bethenny Frankel’s fiance, Dennis Shields, died from an overdose. This didn’t stop the Skinnygirl‘s costar from making an insensitive comment that resulted in fan backlash on Ramona. I suspect the backlash is what made Ramona aware of her hurtful words, not her own self-reflection….

‘Crazy eyes’ backpedaled, “I cringed when I saw what I said about Dennis in tonight’s episode. It definitely was not one of my finer moments. I respected and liked him very much and I sincerely apologize to his family and Bethenny for my thoughtless comments.”


I, for one, can not wait to see how Bethenny responds to this comment on next week’s RHONY!

Do you think The Apologizer’s Ramona’s remorse is sincere? Give me your thoughts in the comment section!


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