Chi Nail Bar & Organic Spa
9390 Little Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Shahs of Sunset S2/E9 RKOBH S2/E10 RKOBH S1/E2 Hollywood Exes S3/E2 Hollywood Exes S2/E1
Spend your parents’ money like RKOBH cast members Jonny Drubel, E.J. Johnson, Roxy Sowlaty Morgan Stewart, and Dorothy Wang and Instagram where to eat, drink, shop and vacation!
Watch the lavish lifestyles of the #RichKids of Beverly Hills in seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4!
9390 Little Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Shahs of Sunset S2/E9 RKOBH S2/E10 RKOBH S1/E2 Hollywood Exes S3/E2 Hollywood Exes S2/E1
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